Tri-Valley Parish Rector, The Diocese of Brandon

  • Full Time
  • Diocese of Brandon
  • Council of the North rate CAD / Year
  • March 14, 2025

Website The Diocese of Brandon

Are you discerning a call to multi-point ministry in the Prairies? Located in the southern part of Manitoba is a beautiful, generous, loving Parish of four congregations who are prayerfully seeking a priest to join them in worship, service in the community, and fellowship. The Tri-Valley Parish is a well-established grouping of 4 congregations. One of the churches worships weekly and the other three have a rotating schedule. While the number of churches may seem daunting, the ministry itself is not!  Any priest called to serve in these communities will find themself blessed with love, encouragement, opportunities to share the Gospel as a team, and copious opportunities to simply celebrate God’s love together. If you are a priest in good standing within the Anglican Church of Canada or a seminary student nearing the end of your training and studies, please feel free to contact the Diocese of Brandon to request further information.

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